Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September 9, Aidan's 1st Day of Preschool

Aidan shows off his new Clone Trooper backpack for his first day of school.

Laundry Time

Vivienne Elizabeth walks, 10 months old

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pizza anyone? Viv?

A Day at the Track

Auntie Marie chillin' at the track.

Oh, just being silly with Grammy!

Come on, Grammy, lets place our bet.

Labor Day at Nana & Papa's

Trying out Nana's spooky Halloween wings!

Black-Eyed Susan Field

Happy nosher who likes corn, too!

Bath time for Vivienne

Grumpy bear just wants to play.

Just Being Cuties

Hoffman's Playland with Ethan

Aidan and Ethan started out strong by sharing a boat together.

Ethan in a HotRod Car!

Is that Fireman Sam? Nope Aidan John having a blast!

The boys share a Monster Truck ride.

On to the fighter jets.

Waiting patiently for the next ride.

Riding the famous Hoffman's Playland train.

So hot we needed a Sno-Cone break.

Over-heating, Rosie Cheeks?

The caterpillar ride seemed like a good idea, but...only with Mommy, Ethan said. So, she did it.

The grand finale...the much-coveted carousel. Thanks for holding onto the boys, Heather.