Monday, December 14, 2009

Rasta Pasta Noodle Dred

Hey, I've got an idea...why can't we use pasta as hair replacement. It's working for me.

Ah, yes, yes, that's a very good idea. I like it. Noodle Hair.

Arrrgggghhhh, don't try to steal my idea. I came up with it first!

Mama's Little Bear

Hanging with the Belak cousins

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Trying to take photos for our Christmas cards, ugh!

At the train extravaganza!

Viv waving to the robotic carolers at Santa's "mall" workshop

Annual Tree Cutting Saga

Happy Thanksgiving

Mall shopping = car rides

Aidan and Papa enjoying Halloween cookies

More Halloween Pictures

Viv trying out her Yoda pose.

Viv practicing with the lightsaber.

Creepy Halloween characters playing poker at the local diner. Viv wasn't the least bit scared.

Aidan on the other hand stood elsewhere!

Pictures of Aidan at his Preschool Halloween party. Viv went too. Both were a hit.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy "Star Wars" Halloween

Aidan was a Clone Trooper and Vivienne was Yoda.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Viv's first birthday party

Happy First Birthday to my baby girl!

Vivienne and Uncle "E"

Oh, someone got the infamous bird's egg blue Tiffany's bag...hmmmmm!

Vivienne and her Papa.

Let's open these gifts!

Oh-la-la here's a new dress for me!

Come on, Nana, let's play with my new panda bear toy.

Mommy's angels. I think Aidan is try to sneak closer to Viv to get a bite of her cake!
Aidan got me a neat-o toy purse. Thanks, Brother!

Yum-yum the dessert table.

Cupcake themed party!

DD sweetly decorated the cupcake cakes--they look awesome! Thank you.

Vivienne's got wicked sticky cake fingers...but she enjoyed it!

Pretty birthday girl wearing bows!

And she loves balloons, too.

A little crazy balloon fun at the party.

Yummy this first bite is good. I think I'll take another.

Well, Vivienne got a wee bit messy eating her first piece of cake so it was easier to pop her directly in the tubby!

Vivienne and Nana!

Vivienne and Grammy