Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Party

I had a great time at Dar-Dar and Johnny Baseball's Memorial Day Party! Thanks for inviting me.

I was very busy. I did a little landscaping....

Had a few jell-o shots and some handfuls of chips...

Had a little car and yoga ball fun with Emma...

Played the "bean bag" game with Daddy...

And finished the day with a good old weed wack!

Visiting ...

Here I am with my cousin Declan and my Aunt Colleen. We also visited Lake Side Farms where I got to ride in a real John Deere vehicle and I saw some pigs...oink, oink!

At the park

Friend time

Just having a little lunch with my friend Anthony after our hard morning of playing!

Just being me

Mmmmm, I love my Kix for breakfast. Thanks, Mommy.

Just hanging out with my drink watching the Mow-Mows!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bye-bye to Daddy's truck

Today Daddy turned in his truck to get a new car. Daddy and Mommy were sad because they said this was the vehicle they used to bring me home from the hospital and to move into our new home. Guess there's lots of memories. I'm sad because Daddy used to let me play in the back of it and pretend drive it! Bye-bye truck.