Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Doing wood with Papa

Papa cut down a tree for Ms. Erin, so she said he could have the wood. I helped Papa wheelbarrow it over to my house. I also did a little spring cleaning on my fort.

Mmmm, bees taste good

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Easter

DD (Aunt Krista), Janja (Aunt Andrea), Grammy, and Uncle "E" & Aunt Maria were in NY visiting for Easter. Team Mitchell went to Nana & Papa's house after they hunted for Easter baskets and jellybeans at home. Thanks everyone for all the goodies, and to Nana & Papa for hosting the Polish Easter brunch just before leaving for Florida!

Vivienne with her Godmother, Aunt Andrea.

Vivienne with her Godfather, Uncle "E". Take a look a Vivi's right hand--she's secretly saying "Yankees are No. 1"

Ohhhh, Mommy & Daddy had a few Mimosas at Easter Brunch.

DD and Vivienne at Easter brunch. Go suck an egg...oh, wait. Vivienne is doing just that! Hope that egg dye tastes yummy!

Aidan using Papa's fertilizer to...ummm, play in the front yard?

Happy Easter from Vivienne Elizabeth.

Aidan and Nana washing dishes.

Easter Morning--Wake up!

Wakey, wakey, Mommy & Daddy. It's time to find our Easter baskets that the Easter bunny hid!

Hmmm, looks like Aidan found someone's basket under the kitchen table...I think it's Vivienne's basket! I can't seem to find my basket...wait, there it is... Oh, no, what was my basket doing in the timeout chair? Yikes! Look at all my goodies! Cars and candy, cool! Are those jellybeans? I think it's time for the jellybean hunt!

Aidan and Vivienne playing with Vivienne's new tea set that the Easter Bunny brought her this morning.

Aidan goes to a show

On Good Friday Aidan and Mommy went to a Disney show at the Palace Theater in Albany. Aidan got to see Pooh and Friends, Handy Manny and his tools, Mickey and Friends, and the Little Einsteins and rocket. However, his favorite person was the postal delivery woman--aka the emcee--because "she delivered the mail," (said Aidan).

Aidan's favorite! He kept asking for her whenever she wasn't on stage.

Mama's Angel Face

Vivienne would like some Easter candy, please!

Hanging in the exersaucer

Vivienne in pink bunny jail?

Aidan and Vivienne, Easter Card