Vivienne got her own personalized soft house from Uncle "E" and Aunt Maria.

Vivienne gets a new baby doll. Ahhh, she loves her baby.

A little ice hockey anyone? Come on, I won't bite cha!

Here, have a seat, baby dolls.

Ahhh, sweet angels having a seat.

Pretty baby. She's Mommy's doll.

Vivienne's lovely Christmas outfit.

Papa got a leaf blower from Team Mitchell, but Aidan laid claims to it!

Merry Christmas at Nana & Papa's house.

Mike got a real "big" Starbucks mug---yummmy!

Viv and Daddy have some snacks.

Hooray, Grammy got a new microwave.

Oh, dawling, please don't bother me until it's truly time to leave.

Auntie Andrea and Aidan tearing open his gift...which is....wait for it, wait for it...

A Star Wars X-Wing fighter!

Aidan and Nana, Merry Christmas!

Aidan got a scooter from Nana and Papa!

Who the heck invited Minnie Mouse to the festivities?