Merry Christmas Eve!
My beautiful babies on Christmas Eve.
Ahhh, aren't they adorable.
Sweet Vivienne before church on Christmas Eve.
Viv doesn't feel like waiting until after church, she'd like some presents now.
Holy presents, Batman.
Viv settles down with her bottle for a long winter nap on Pop's lap.
Uncle Mike shows Aidan how to use the old fashion whistle from Pop and Grandma.
Yep, whatever Aidan has Viv want to play with it.
Ooooo, Aidan just loves opening presents. Come on, come on!
Aidan holds his baby cousin Sidney Rae Vaughan.
Aidan and Sidney.
Aidan, Vivienne, and Sidney.
Sweet! Aidan opens an air compressor from Pop and Grandma.
Aunt Colleen and Vivienne opening presents.