Thank you, DD, for making the Star Wars-themed cake. It was a hit. In fact, Papa is still eating it. Oh, who am I kidding, I am too!

Dah-dah dahdah, dahdahdah...you know the Star Wars theme...musical cards from Uncle "E" and Aunt Maria and Grandma and Grandpa.

Oh, yeah, a Star Wars battle ship. Sweet.

Star Wars decorations all over the house.

What, did you think we weren't gonna sport the t-shirts and costumes this year. We did...mine is kind of like a sexy Darth Vader...well, neither of us can be sexy but we tried for the sake of the party's theme! May the force be with you!

Birthday boy having dinner with Auntie Ondge.

Nana, Viv, and Papa checking out all the balloons.

Nice Galatic Star Wars shirt!

Aidan's favorite part! I loved the Star Wars wrapping paper, Maria!

Sweet Baby Viv enjoying the party with Daddy.

Sure, wine was involved...

So were teeny-tiny hiney's getting stuck in a child's rocker!

Grandpa and Vivienne taking in the party scene.

Oh, yes, they did. DD aka Princess Leah and Auntie Ondge striking a pose for Han Solo.

Time to blow out the candles, baby!

Cutting the cake with Mommy and making a special wish.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Aidan liked the cake!

Dar-Dar and Johnny Baseball hanging with the fam.

Oh, yeah, look at Aidan's two-wheeler! Thanks, Nana & Papa.

Well, whatever Aidan has or does, Vivienne has to do the same. Go Viv!