Viv scoring some pet food to give to the Zebra!

Vivienne feeding the goats.

Checking out the animals...good thing it wasn't 95 degrees and muggy...oh, wait, it was!

Vivienne and Mrs. Hill feeding the giraffe--their tongues are rough like cat tongues.

Mama, I need to feed more animals, get sweatier, get more bug bites, get dirtier, and be sanitized!

Duh, turtles.

Aidan on the "Safari Ride" with his classmates.

Nate, Vivienne and Aidan checking out the cowboy display..."where's the cowboy's gun?" asks Aidan.

Nathan, Aidan and Ainsley.

The Motely Crue: (From left) Vivienne , Sadie Hill, Nathan Hill, Ainsley Dolan, Mackenzie Dolan, and Aidan.

Liver Lips...yep, that's the name of this camal. Apparently she likes to give kisses...

Aidan's preschool class checking out the turtles.

Aidan feeding baby goats. Good thing they didn't stink.

The pirate ship playground was a huge hit.

Another view from the "safari ride."