Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Aidan's Preschool "Graduation" Ceremony

Aidan and Vivienne posing at home before the ceremony.

Aidan getting a handshake from his preschool teacher Mrs. Hogan.

Aidan getting his diploma from Miss Russo.

Look what I got, Natie! Lets use our diplomas as swords.

Aidan and his pal Blake.

The class using their handmade frogs to perfrom "Speckled Frog."

The class acted out the book "Brown Bear, Brown bear."

Aidan was the white dog.

Aidan too embarrassed to even perform the Chicken Dance.

Aidan and Nate performing "Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes."

The preschool boys (Blake, Dakoda, Aidan and Nate).

Aidan and his friends Ainsley and Nate.

Vivienne playing at the reception held in the classroom. (She'll be a student there next year! But if you ask her if she's going there, she says "nope.")

T-ball time

Coach Mike prepares the "T" for Aidan.

He swings, he hits...

He runs...to the pitcher's mound...close enough!

Aidan fielding the ball, goofing off in the outfield.

Aidan throwing the ball to first...well, it was supposed to be first.

Giggly Viv thinks T-ball is funny.

Adirondak Animal Land, Aidan's Preschool Trip

Viv scoring some pet food to give to the Zebra!
Vivienne feeding the goats.
Checking out the animals...good thing it wasn't 95 degrees and muggy...oh, wait, it was!
Vivienne and Mrs. Hill feeding the giraffe--their tongues are rough like cat tongues.
Mama, I need to feed more animals, get sweatier, get more bug bites, get dirtier, and be sanitized!
Duh, turtles.
Aidan on the "Safari Ride" with his classmates. Nate, Vivienne and Aidan checking out the cowboy display..."where's the cowboy's gun?" asks Aidan.
Nathan, Aidan and Ainsley.
The Motely Crue: (From left) Vivienne , Sadie Hill, Nathan Hill, Ainsley Dolan, Mackenzie Dolan, and Aidan.
Liver Lips...yep, that's the name of this camal. Apparently she likes to give kisses...
Aidan's preschool class checking out the turtles.

Aidan feeding baby goats. Good thing they didn't stink.
The pirate ship playground was a huge hit.

Another view from the "safari ride."