The much-coveted Pumpkin Cannon. "Yep, it totally shot pumpkins," says Aidan.

Bunnyville...they've got nicer homes than people I know!

Rubber duck races. The kids had to pump water from an old fashioned pump to get the ducks to move!

Silver Mine Tunnel (sounds like a dream come true for me!). This was an underground shoot that Aidan couldn't stop going on!

What the older one does, the younger one MUST do too! Pedal-powered Go-Cart races. I hear the banjo already!

Giddy-up! The kids got to sit on a real saddle and use a lasso!

Miss Moo's Musical Revue and the Hillbilly Band put on shows. Told you I heard banjos!

Chillin' in 'Lil Farmville.

Hitching a hay ride to the pumpkin patch.

Picking out pumpkins at the Pumpkin Patch--notice Vivienne took her baby to the pumpkin patch.

Tina Turner would be "proud" of this "big wheel that keeps on turning..."

Instead of a sandbox, there was a cornbox!

Nana & Vivienne rocking in a "big" way!