Aidan and Darlene testing the water on the first day.

Enjoying low tide on First Beach. All those dots are people way the heck out in the ocean...seriously.

Yikes, lobster races...

Aidan getting brave...heading toward the ocean.

Hey, look what I found...a snakey seaweed tail!

We found a turtle in the backyard...Darlene was cool with it, but Aidan kept his distance.

That's right, Mommy said "sure" when I saw the ice cream truck at the beach. My pop was melting fast...but it sure tasted good. Vivi (and Mommy) got a bomb pop!

There's all kinds of treasures on the beach.

Enjoying a day at the beach.

Come on, it's time to play on the beach.

Hmmm, what is this I'm feeling?

DD and Aidan boogie boarding!

Beach Baby!

Lifeguard off duty.

DD introducing Vivienne to the water and smoochin' up on her when the water introduction wasn't well received.

Whatcha two looking at?

Rebel Dune Walkers

Wicked cool balancing rock art at the Coast Guard Beach.

Ahhh, this sand thing is new for me, but I sure like it.

Sometimes I just get so tired and need a nap that I tiiiimmmmmbbbbeeerrrr right on over and snooze it up!

Yep, that's right. There was an outside shower at the "beach house." Mommy and Johnny used it every day (well, not together) and I used it a few time with Daddy.