Here I am all handsome on Christmas Day!

Ohhh, thank you Auntie Ondge for my cash register and grocery store toys!

I know there must be more gifts for Vivienne and me underneath Nana's tree...if I could just reach a little further...ugh, ugh, ahhhh, found one!


Here's my beautiful baby sister looking adorable on Christmas Day.

Night-Night sleepy Vivienne.

Ahhhh, Vivienne is smiling at me!

Vivienne's first pair of Christmas shoes. Probably the first of many if she's anything like Mommy.

Aunt Maria and Uncle "E" holding Vivienne Elizabeth.

Cool, D.D., thanks for my "real" toolbelt!

It's not a holiday without some cheer!

Sweet, I got the little people village from Uncle "E" and Aunt Maria. Let's open it!

Yippee, they opened it for me. Now let's play.

Time for dinner....but I want to keep playing.

Sweet dreams, Vivienne.

Auntie Ondge snuggling up with Vivienne.

Vivienne got an activity gym from DD and Ondge. She really likes it.

Uhhh-ohhhh, too many cheers for Daddy. Wake up Daddy, Nana said it's time for dinner.

Yippee, I got a Tonka Truck playset from Nana and Papa. Come on, Uncle E, play with me!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!