DD (Aunt Krista), Janja (Aunt Andrea), Grammy, and Uncle "E" & Aunt Maria were in NY visiting for Easter. Team Mitchell went to Nana & Papa's house after they hunted for Easter baskets and jellybeans at home. Thanks everyone for all the goodies, and to Nana & Papa for hosting the Polish Easter brunch just before leaving for Florida!

Vivienne with her Godmother, Aunt Andrea.

Vivienne with her Godfather, Uncle "E". Take a look a Vivi's right hand--she's secretly saying "Yankees are No. 1"

Ohhhh, Mommy & Daddy had a few Mimosas at Easter Brunch.

DD and Vivienne at Easter brunch. Go suck an egg...oh, wait. Vivienne is doing just that! Hope that egg dye tastes yummy!

Aidan using Papa's fertilizer to...ummm, play in the front yard?

Happy Easter from Vivienne Elizabeth.

Aidan and Nana washing dishes.