Here I am at Great Grammy's house hanging out with the "Polish" on St. Patrick's Day (weekend). I'm not sure what all the hype is about beer, but the bottle is pretty fun. After all that bottle playing I needed a "real" bottle break with Great Grammy, whew!
Well, it's finally beautiful baby hair was cut. I sat on Mommy's lap and Daddy took pictures. Mommy and me both got to wear capes. I didn't cry and I didn't fidget too much either. Terry, who cut may hair, kept asking Mommy if I was always this good--that should get me an extra bottle, I would think. (Oh, and just for the record, I liked my hair long too!)
Happy March 1! We've got cabin fever and can't wait for spring, hence all the flowers in these picture. Check out my video clip where Mommy lets me play with a vase full of flowers. (Sorry we had the camera turned the wrong way, we thought we could rotate it after, guess not. We'll get better at this.)