I've got great toys, but this dishwasher thingy is so fun. Mommy lets me bang spoons while she gets "things" done. I like this thing so much that when Mommy and Daddy close it up I scream my head off. Yep, it's that fun.
Hmmm, think it's time for a hair cut? I'm wicked cute with this hair, but lately I've been pushing my own hair out of my eyes. Also, Mommy just learned that when Papa baby-sits me he puts a barrette in my hair to keep my hair out of my eye.
Not sure why I have such a fetish with my Great Grammy's cane, but I have a wicked fun time messin' around with this thing... That's my Auntie Andrea behind me letting me play.
I'm just chillin' out in my new "I got the hots for you" Valentine's Day onesie from Mommy. Check out my very first Valentine's Day picture....awww, I'm a cutie. Looks like Mommy kept the same pillows for another year.
Here I am at my very first RPI hockey game with Nana, Papa, Mommy and Daddy. It was really fun. I especially liked the Zamboni, but I got a bit startled when RPI scored a goal...there was a big siren sound, lots of "Frat" boys yelling "sieve, sieve, sieve." For anyone keeping score, RPI won that game. Go Engineers!
My first birthday party was so fun. Mommy and Auntie Kris made a "1" cake to match my "1" shirt, we had Elmo party hats and plates and Cookie Monster napkins. The cake tasted pretty good, but I didn't really like sticking my hands in it, yucka-do!